Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Nora is becoming a pro at crawling. For some reason she only uses her left leg to crawl and her right leg is dragged along like she has a crawling limp that she got in the war. But she is also cruising now which is exciting too. I still have to be near her in case she falls back but she has the general idea.

It's strange to think that a few months ago she couldn't even roll over on her own. And it's really neat when we work on something and I finally watch her master it - clapping, crawling, walking, our names, etc. Well, so she hasn't actually mastered walking yet or our names but she's awesome at cruising and saying mama and nana. We're working on Dada. Anyway she's doing great and I'm very grateful to Heavenly Father for a healthy and sweet baby.


  1. She is such a happy baby! I love her noises. It wont be long before she is lifting up her belly when she crawls! So fun.

  2. Yeah her noises definitely make me laugh. John told me Tim got accepted to school in Fort Lauderdale? Congratulations! Do you think you'll go or are you waiting to hear from anybody else?

  3. seriously- I think that John might have crawled with only one leg too! It was a long time ago- but I'm pretty sure I remember it... She is adorable- and I love her talking! Are you getting excited for a change of scenery?
