Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Happy Eater


This week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day (one of the few days John has off) and racial and cultural diversity by going out for curry and spending all our money on technology made in China. Our babysitter (who we love) came over so we could have a date night and I'm confident that Nora had way more fun with her than she usually has with me. We ended up at Best Buy which may be John's favorite store. He's always really excited to play with tablets, check out monitors and screen resolution, etc. etc. At one point while we were walking passed the televisions I noticed he was looking me up and down - like oggling me. And I was super flattered until I realized he was oggling the tv screens behind me.

Anyway, in our happy date night euphoria we accidentally spent more than we had expected on a shiny new wacom bamboo tablet and a wireless keyboard. But really, it was worth it. We came home that night, put Nora to bed and started playing with our new toys.

Nora is getting super big and is so ready to crawl but just hasn't figured it out yet. On the bright side, after almost a month she is finally eating solid food without screaming at me. Her gateway drug was peas I think. At first that was the only food she would eat so after mixing it with everything else in our pantry, she's finally a happy eater.

And by the way she's biting this stuffed cow, I have the feeling she'll be ready for meat in no time.

Sorry that there's not much else to report. John did finally get a copy of his orders so he is reporting for duty on April 4. Wish us luck!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Last Monday started the week off with crying. Lots of crying. I have no right to complain, especially when today I was sitting in the "mother's room" at church listening to stories of nightmare nights where babies were waking up ever 45 minutes to eat - and not from a bottle. Nora started sleeping through the night pretty early (2 1/2 months) but then went to one feeding at night around 4 months but is back to her normal routine. 8:00pm bedtime, 5:00am breakfast then back to bed and wake up 7:00am. I have it easy. That is why I was really frustrated when she kept waking every few hours Monday night. I ended up just leaving her in our bed (which I hate more than anything else in the entire world. Co-sleeping is a bad word in our apartment.) Anyway it turns out the poor thing is sick. She's been getting better and fortunately, has learned how to breathe out of her mouth. A few days ago I had her in the moby wrap while I was doing dishes. I noticed that my arms were getting really wet. I just thought I was being careless with the faucet. When I finished and went to dry my hands with the towel I realized my arms weren't soaked in dish water but in baby drool and nose drippings. I looked at Nora and she was smiling at me, her entire face covered baby drool and dripping down onto me. It's ridiculous what she could get away with by smiling at me.

John also got orders - sort of.
His class got called up one by one to pick orders from a list. We were hoping for shore duty but there were only two on the list and both were overseas which we can't have because it's our first duty station out of c school. But there was sea duty on a ship docked in San Diego. So at the end of March we're moving! When we first joined the Navy I could only think about what it would be like to have our family separated. But the bright side is while your husband is away on a ship you get to hang out in beautiful places surrounded by water. And actually it's likely John's ship will be dry docked for a while once he gets to it. (A year?) So we have a lot to look forward to.

Monday, January 14, 2013

It Begins!

You asked for it. So... ta da it's here. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Our lives definitely aren't super exciting but we love 'em anyway. I'll admit that I have started and deleted this blog half a dozen times before. It just seemed like too much of a commitment (says the girl who got married at 19). But I think I'm up for it now so... enjoy! (or don't that's okay too)

So this whole Navy thing has been a big change for us but I think I'm starting to get used to it - shopping at the commissary, meeting new people, killing new bugs. I can honestly say that I'm liking Florida. So it makes perfect sense that just as soon as we've settled we have to get ready to leave. We're awaiting orders but John graduates in March and so we should be leaving pretty soon after that. There's a chance he'll get assigned to a ship somewhere and be away for months at a time. But I really do feel lucky that he isn't going to be anywhere dangerous. I've been thinking a lot about what it was like the first time John and I were separated. He left for boot camp for two months and then was immediately flown out to Pensacola for another two. Four months is a long time to sleep in a bed by yourself. And so, Pillow John was born:

I swear it wasn't a weird or creepy. Mostly its purpose was to take up space so I could sleep at night. John  has one of these guys  in his class named Zurrelli that is always telling embarrassing stories about himself. I'm a Zurrelli.
Anyway, I figure four months apart is good prep for sea duty. But we're enjoying our time together while we have it. Here are some Christmas pics: 

Woohoo for the holidays. And lastly: here is a picture of all of us together. 

That blob in my arms is my nina. Also my hair is pulled back I haven't cut all of it off. Wow are we the worst picture takers ever or what? Haha there will be better ones on the way.