Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Happy Eater


This week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day (one of the few days John has off) and racial and cultural diversity by going out for curry and spending all our money on technology made in China. Our babysitter (who we love) came over so we could have a date night and I'm confident that Nora had way more fun with her than she usually has with me. We ended up at Best Buy which may be John's favorite store. He's always really excited to play with tablets, check out monitors and screen resolution, etc. etc. At one point while we were walking passed the televisions I noticed he was looking me up and down - like oggling me. And I was super flattered until I realized he was oggling the tv screens behind me.

Anyway, in our happy date night euphoria we accidentally spent more than we had expected on a shiny new wacom bamboo tablet and a wireless keyboard. But really, it was worth it. We came home that night, put Nora to bed and started playing with our new toys.

Nora is getting super big and is so ready to crawl but just hasn't figured it out yet. On the bright side, after almost a month she is finally eating solid food without screaming at me. Her gateway drug was peas I think. At first that was the only food she would eat so after mixing it with everything else in our pantry, she's finally a happy eater.

And by the way she's biting this stuffed cow, I have the feeling she'll be ready for meat in no time.

Sorry that there's not much else to report. John did finally get a copy of his orders so he is reporting for duty on April 4. Wish us luck!


  1. Nora is honestly so cute! I loved when my babies started eating solid food! I'm glad you guys went out on the town and spent some money- I was worried that John may like to hold on to his money too much. Ha. You're really funny Rachel and I think it would be fun to live closer so I will cross my fingers that we will be moving to California too!

  2. Your baby is adorable! I liked the gateway drug comment. Peas are amazing, I guess. Where is John going? Cy and I will know in a few weeks . . . maybe :)


  3. Thanks Laurel. We're crossing our fingers too! Emily, John's being put on the U.S.S. Peleliu out of San Diego. If you guys let us know you're coming we'll for sure get that duplex this time. It feels like you guys have only been in el paso for like five seconds.
