Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So as usual not much has happened this last week. You're probably asking yourself, "Why does she bother writing when she has nothing to say?" but aha I've got you now! Because I've been thinking about that a lot in the last few days - about how even though there doesn't appear to be a lot going on right now, there's so much I feel like writing about.

So, to start off I'll talk about John who is an amazing Dad to Nora. After driving home from church we all got out and I was ready to dash into the kitchen and cook and eat anything and everything in our fridge. But John who was holding Nora, stopped in front of our building and set Nora down in the grass. He knelt down with her and started blowing dandelions and picking flowers and holding them up to her and describing them. She stared at them for a while, gave John a funny look and then tried to eat a few of them. But the whole time this is happening I'm thinking... who does that? I had never even noticed the flowers on the minuscule patch of grass next to our apartment building. Sometimes I let Nora pull the leaves down from the trees on our walks but I never sit and talk to her about them ask her what she thinks, etc. John has this amazing gentle way of talking to Nora and teaching her and he's never in a rush the way I am. By the time John stood up to get into the apartment there was a puddle in the place where my heart should be.

Unfortunately Nora's attitude about their flower lesson was the dictionary definition of ennui. I felt bad for John about how little she cared about their time together until I heard him say this on our way up the stairs:

"I'm so proud of you Nora.  Just like Dada taught you. Flowers are dumb."

So I guess even though I'm not snowboarding in Patagonia or even graduating this Spring like I thought I would be, my life is so happy and made up of small, wonderful (though not super exciting) experiences.

Happy Valentine's Day... almost. Have I mentioned that Valentine's day is my 3rd favorite holiday right after Christmas and Easter? I guess I'll talk about how ours went next week.



  1. I also admire people who notice the little things and enjoy them. I go through life missing much because I'm always on generalities and never pay attention to natural beauty, special moments, and flowers. I'm so on task in life that I go forward like a racing horse through life. Oh well, that's why God created us all different so that we can appreciate in others, all of His creations! Dad.

  2. My comments don't work from my phone but in my mind I commented to this post- so hopefully this is the first time you are getting this comment- now that I am on a computer. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing that story about John. For whatever reason, it made me cry. Imagining you guys standing outside of your apartment.... and imagining John loving being a dad to Nora. He has always been good with kids but he really does sound like an awesome dad. I'm so glad you guys found each other.
